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Ch. Chaplin's films are works that made a significant contribution to the development of the visual system of the cinematography, its montage structure and fulfilled the ultimate task of art - won the love and recognition of viewers all over the world. The 20s of the XX century. entered the history of world cinema as an extremely interesting period of experimentation and innovation. There was a process of finding new forms, visual means and techniques, awareness of the montage-poetic nature of cinematography, that is, in the bowels of cinema, its own aesthetic system was formed.


Television (from the Greek ieie - far and the Latin iikio - vision) occupies a significant place in popularizing the art of cinema. Recently, it has become an important means of mass communication, without which it is impossible to imagine today's life. Television has its own genre structure, which it constantly develops and improves. That is why television is considered an integral factor in the cultural process today and occupies a special place in the life of a modern person.

Visconti Luchino(1906-1976) - Italian film director, one of the bright representatives of European elite cinema. A characteristic feature of his creative heritage is a clearly expressed thematic orientation. The leitmotif of all the director's films became the themes of family, beauty and tragic loneliness, the peculiarities of which interpretation were stimulated by the heuristic potential of the artist's biography. Paintings by L. Visconti "The Earth Trembles", "The Most Beautiful", "Rocco and His Brothers", "Death of the Gods", "Death in Venice", "People", "Family Portrait in the Interior" and "Innocent", despite stylistic differences and time distance, make up a kind of cycle. If the themes of family and tragic loneliness were the object of artistic understanding of many directors of the world, the interpretation of the theme of beauty became a feature of L. Visconti's work. Peculiarities of worldview,

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The tape "Shadows of Forgotten Ancestors" owed its success to the brilliant synthesis of the original literary source (the novel of the same name by M. Kotsyubynskyi), directing, cinematography and artistic skill, music, and acting. That is why the success of this film was shared between director S. Paradzhanov, cameraman Yu. Illenko, artist H. Yakutovych, composer M. Skoryk, actors I. Mykolaichuk, L. Kadochnikova.

The formation of the American cinema, one of the most popular in our time, began in 1892 and was associated with the American scientist and inventor T. Edison, who constructed the kinescope. The first public screening took place in New York at the Bayel and Koster Music Hall. It consisted of small humorous and dance numbers.

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